We needed the rest at Rotorua, everyone was feeling it. We always knew that skating long-distance would take it's toll; and it was beginning to. Sheldon was skating less and less; me and Adam skating every day. Kari was getting frustrated with not being able to skate the distance and Julia was going a bit stir-crazy in the car. Everything has changed in between there and here. Kari is skating 10km a day, Sheldon IS staying with us for the South Island and has skated two monstrous days and Julia is getting about 10km walking in a day. Me and Adam continue to skate and everything is smiley. If a little mental.
The road from Rotorua was mad, 88km across huge pine forests. When the dig up the land to plant these forests the run across the stumps and roots of all the original native forests that were there. They put them up in massive piles and just leave them there. it makes you feel like you are in a land of giants. It was a big day and the run into Taupo was fast and smooth through the traffic. Taupo is beautiful.
Day 18. Taupo to Turangi
The day we skated around the lake. It was blisteringly hot and the road was busy. Managed to get a swim in the lake and camped at the YHA where we met a Canadian cyclist who had been travelling for 4 years. He had cycled everywhere, had knives pulled out on him, been robbed and was still going. 'I eat like a dog so I can travel for longer', he plans to keep going for 8 years. He was travelling by himself and was free camping everynight.
When we got to Taupo we had seen these huge mountains in the distance. Today we had to skate past them; across the Rangipo Desert Road. The Rangipo Desert is a hostile place, almost 1000m above sea-level it is a dry and beautiful place. There is absoultely nothing like skating down a road surrounded by sand and scrub with 'Mount Doom' on your right hand side. Truly amazing. As the 61km day passed we left the Mountains behind and arrived in Waiouru; an army base, with absolutely nowhere to camp. We spent a good hour scouting for a place to sneakily put up our tents. We are not helped here by the fact that they have bright orange covers and there are vans with lights on checking the security of the town. We managed it though.
Hilly day today. In fact I would say it was one of the biggest downhill days yet, coming off the desert plain back down to the lowlands. I always base my ability to go fast on Adam. I skate in front for the most part, Adam right on my tail. When it comes to the downhill sections I let Adam go in front and tuck in behind him. He is my safety barometer. So when I go into a tuck and start to blast a hill I am thinking 'If Adam is OK, then I'll be fine.' When I look up from my tuck and see Adam footbreaking, I panic. There was a lot of panicing! We stopped for a photo for the paper in Taihape and then on to Mangaweka. What a beautiful place. We camped right by the river surrounded by huge white cliffs, and got atttacked by hedgehogs.
My worst day yet. I was in a foul mood when I started skating; NEVER skate in a bad mood. Sheldon was not skating and I had a big rant at Adam. My foot was so sore, not the blisters anymore, but my toes kept bashing the end of my shoe making each push painful. Managed to crawl into Bulls, who seem to have based everything they do upon the 'oh-so-witty' idea of putting 'a-bull' on the end of everything. So the the sandwich shop was 'Fill-a-bull', and the tent shop 'collapse-a-bull'. Honestly, there are hundreds of them.
Day 22 Bulls to Levin.
I didn't skate and I hated it. The all-new-and-improved Sheldon blasted it. Everyone was in a good mood. Even though Adam and Sheldon managed to take a wrong turn. Don't ask. 'The signs we are looking for today are ones pointing at WELLINGTON. Wellington, the last place on the South Island, the CAPITAL of New Zealand. The city that is where we have been talking about skating too for the last 3 weeks!!!!
that's all for now. Look at the new pics.