Well we are here. All 5 of us.
Everone arrived at the airport to meet me, we drove back into the city and are staying at the best place ever. It's called Cross Ctreet Studios. As I type a band are rehearsing; 2 drummers and a bassist. There are people making hats out of rubber inner tubes, planning a street festival and building websites. Basically is it a huge studio where people have built little indoor houses and cabins, and I love it. One of the girls is in a band and we will be using some of their music on our videos. We sat around for a while, put our boards together and talked all things arty with our new hosts.
The flight from LA flew (ahahahaaaaaa!!) by and I woke to be greeted by an amazing sunrise. I actually slept for most of it and have managed to get throught the day without feeling too jet-lagged. You will all be pleased to hear that it has been raining pretty much constantly since this morning. But it is 21degrees.
Since then we have been to look at vans, been for a little skate and are about to go and get some food in town. Jestah and Kari are going to head North this evening and we will hopefully follow them tomorrow in our new van.
I'll keep you posted.