Well Christmas is nearly here, and its getting close. Very, very close.
I have oficially finished work - it seems strange that I won't be eating another school lunch until April. But it's not a bad feeling. I got a huge cheque from the parents of the triplets in my class. At first I thought it was for the charity and i was just gobsmacked. After a chat it turns out it wasn't. It was for SkateNewZealand. I'm not going to say how much it was; but it is enough to buy a van outright when we arrive. A truly amazing gesture and when we finsih the journey and sell the van the money will either go to Lowe and Canteen or be put toward further journeys.
Kari only went a bought her ticket to NZ! She gets in a day before me and we are all super stoked to have her as part of the team. So now we are 5.
Media-wise. We got the front page on the Silverfish Forum - one of the largest skateboard forums out there and will hopefully get a 2-page spread in the Northland News just before we arrive.

I got my bag from Decent Hardware (cheers Jonno!), shoes from Vox (Cheers Mel!) and Skatersocks (Cheers Adrienne!) through the post. I also got my secret santa from someone from the OMA forum - stupidly excited about that!!
As you should already know, this journey is to raise money and awareness of two charities. As time marches on and we are struggling with lots of safetly, police and charity issues, one person keeps popping into my head - I recieved an email from him today. Jack Smith is the main reason for me doing this. He sent me a picture of himself and his two sons; Dylan and Jack Jnr. Dylan turns 16 next week and Jack is the reason 5 random people are travelling half-way across the globe to push a plank of wood on 4 wheels.