Well, it's all change here. It really is. My life has seen some pretty major alterations in the past few weeks. Holly, Mark and Tracy will not be joining me as part of SkateNewZealand. I am completley gutted about this but am proud to announce that taking their place will be non other that Adam Colton. I met Adam when he came to visit after BeatswalkinEurope had finished early. He was so into SkateNewZealand and he had to come along. Adam is an awesome skater and has skated across America and Europe. He has his own website (www.whoisadamclton.com) and you can see some of his videos on his page on the SkateNewZealand site.
What else, We had a SkateNewZealand Fundraiser last weekend at Primrose Hill Holidays in Somerset. All in all about £190 was raised on the day and it was good to catch up with Bam and Momo. The Freepress came along too and took pictures, I think they might go in this Friday. All in all we have raised over £300 and there is still 2 and a bit months to go. Amazing really.
I got a parcel from Loaded Longboards the other day, it contained a t-shirt and some stickers and the oddest looking deck you have ever seen. I'll take some pictures and post them soon. Basically I am testing a prototype called the 'Fathom' for them, I've skated on it a few times and its a fun ride; low, flexxxy with a lovely concave.
Apart from all that turmoil, I've got 6 weeks of work left before SkateNewZealand really kicks off. My tickets are booked (6th January arriving in Auckland!) and I've got all the kit I need. We are on the final leg. If you know of anyone who has a spare campervan in NZ - tell them to get in contact with me nat@skatenewzealand.com